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Monday, October 26, 2009

Southtown Star says Author Phil Kledzik has the Write Stuff!

Oriano Pagnucci and Matthew Grotto of the Southtown Star say Philip Kledzik of New Lenox has "The Write Stuff". This is just the latest of Phil's media coverage that began with his first novel "An Issue of the Heart" back in April of 2009. The media continues to cover Phil and the releases of his novels "Painted Rooms" and "An Issue of the Heart".
They aren't the only one that are looking forward to the next few releases by Phil either. Phil already has his next novel (yet to be titled) which is a supernatural thriller in the works and he continues to pound away at it. You can find an excerpt of the Thriller at his website, www.authorphilipkledzik.books.officelive.com .
Phil's growing audience is also waiting in anticipation for the second book of his first trilogy series. He recently released the first of the set, "Painted Rooms" in August of 2009. He's had requested from different people in his reader audience to write more about Peter and Rachelle, so he is answering your plea and will create a trilogy. The rest of this trilogy is next on the docket once the Thriller is ready for publication.
Let us know what you are most interested in finding out about Peter and Rachelle, and Phil will try to answer every request personally.