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Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Christmas Book Opportunity

If you are looking for a nice Christmas book go to the link provided http://childrensandteensbookconnection.wordpress.com/2009/11/11/for-the-love-of-st-nick-by-garasamo-maccgnone-giveaway/ Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Time Spent Lately

Lately I haven't been able to spend as much time as I wanted writing my Supernatural Thriller. With the weather getting colder and with all this unseasonable rain, we've been trying to get the kids out to more places before it gets too cold and we will want to just snuggle inside where it is warm, hopefully around the fireplace.
I've also been spending time doing research for future possibilities. I've been finding new resources to help making my writing even better for you to enjoy.
Come and provide any thoughts, requests or comments about what you would like to see written and I'll let you know if and when your ideas are used. By your sending your thoughts, requests and comments through you are authorizing me to use them in the event I choose to without the need to reimburse you in any way for the use of such thoughts, requests or comments (i.e. no royalties paid to you from books sold using them, your name will not be added as a co-author, etc.)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Southtown Star says Author Phil Kledzik has the Write Stuff!

Oriano Pagnucci and Matthew Grotto of the Southtown Star say Philip Kledzik of New Lenox has "The Write Stuff". This is just the latest of Phil's media coverage that began with his first novel "An Issue of the Heart" back in April of 2009. The media continues to cover Phil and the releases of his novels "Painted Rooms" and "An Issue of the Heart".
They aren't the only one that are looking forward to the next few releases by Phil either. Phil already has his next novel (yet to be titled) which is a supernatural thriller in the works and he continues to pound away at it. You can find an excerpt of the Thriller at his website, www.authorphilipkledzik.books.officelive.com .
Phil's growing audience is also waiting in anticipation for the second book of his first trilogy series. He recently released the first of the set, "Painted Rooms" in August of 2009. He's had requested from different people in his reader audience to write more about Peter and Rachelle, so he is answering your plea and will create a trilogy. The rest of this trilogy is next on the docket once the Thriller is ready for publication.
Let us know what you are most interested in finding out about Peter and Rachelle, and Phil will try to answer every request personally.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My novels available in South Africa!

My wife was informed today that there is a store located right near where she spent 3 months in South Africa back in 2000. She stayed in Muizenburg, Fish Hoek, Sun Valley to name a few places. The store's website is http://loot.co.za . If you are in South Africa and would like to purchase my novels, this could be a very good choice for you. I won't be able to personalize the copies, but you can order them for much less. Also, I believe I saw Painted Rooms had free shipping through them.
Definitely check them out, and please let me know what you think about the books.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Supernatural Thriller in the Works

I am already a good deal into my next novel. This one isn't titled yet, so we'll lovingly call it Thriller. It has been interesting doing research for this novel and piecing everything together. If you would like a sneak peak go to the Novel Excerpts page on my website. Please let me know what you think both here for others to read and on my website through the Contact Us page.
I look forward to hearing from you about Thriller!

Are You Ready For A Road Trip?

If you are ready to take a day trip away from the Chicago suburbs. I have the perfect place for you to go the weekend of September 26th! The Annual Indy Author Fair is going on at the Indianapolis Central Library beginning at 10 am. I will be there with "Painted Rooms" and "An Issue of the Heart" available for purchase and to provide you with personalized copies. There will be numerous other authors there as well and speakers you can attend. Let me know that you are coming, and I'll keep a book set aside for you!

My Reading Room: BBAW Giveaway #3: Now What? 90 Days to a New Life Direction by Laura Berman Fortgang

My Reading Room: BBAW Giveaway #3: Now What? 90 Days to a New Life Direction by Laura Berman Fortgang

Friday, August 28, 2009

"Painted Rooms" Released to Distribution

Author Philip Kledzik's newest novel, "Painted Rooms" has just been released to distribution. This means that you should be able to purchase copies from distributors like Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others very soon. Keep your eyes open. While you wait in anticipation you can purchase and read his previous novel "An Issue of the Heart".
If you would like to see excerpts from both and place an order through the author you can do so at http://authorphilipkledzik.books.officelive.com You can even request a personalized copy through the author's website.
Please leave comments here or on the author's website. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What's Happening Now

We should be submitting the final draft of "Painted Rooms" May 18th. The cover work and other things are already in the works and some are done. So it should just be text blockings, approvals and off to the printer. We are so excited to bring you Philip's next novel, "Painted Rooms". This novel will reach out to a very large group of people in more than one way. Please go to our website to read an excerpt from "Painted Rooms" to wet your appetite for more!
http://authorphilipkledzik.books.officelive Let us know what you think, and if you would like information on ordering an advance personalized copy.